Global Heart Hub: Terms of Engagement for Patient Organisations

  • I agree that Global Heart Hub may store/retain the information provided in the affiliation survey in the GHH database and share it internally as necessary for affiliation-related purposes.
  • I agree to Global Heart Hub sharing public information about my organisation on the GHH website here.
  • I agree to abide by the following GHH terms of conduct. Failure to do so may result in removal from GHH Affiliation at the discretion of GHH.
    • I declare that all the information provided to GHH is correct and accurate.
    • I agree to be respectful to all participants when engaging in GHH events or programming.
    • I agree to share GHH content and resources in a way that does not state or imply that I or my organisation is speaking for or on behalf of GHH without express permission.
  • If I, or my organisation, joins a GHH Patient Council or Working Group, I agree to participate consistently and respectfully. Failure to do so may result in removal from the Patient Council or Working Group at the discretion of GHH.
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