Affiliation Procedure

Affiliating to the Global Heart Hub is just a two step process:

Step 1: Complete the Affiliation Form below

Step 2: If you meet the criteria, you will be contacted by GHH and asked to sign the Terms of Engagement.

Optional: If necessary, a virtual meeting or request for further documentation may take place to clarify further issues. However, this is not mandatory if the information provided is sufficient and clear.

Affiliation form for Individual advocates

    Type of Affiliation you are applying for:


    Your details and contact information:

    Please state below:

    [group other-org][/group]

    [group conflicts-of-interest][/group]

    If you have any questions about your application or the storage of your data, please contact us at

    1 Individual Patient Advocates are heart patients or carers motivated to advocate for the needs of those living with, or affected by, heart disease. Individual Patient Advocates are viewed as general affiliates of the Global Heart Hub and do not participate on any of our patient councils. However, they have opportunities for engagement with our patient councils as well as being kept informed of all Global Heart Hub Activities.