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IPEC – Insights from Patients living with Elevated Cholesterol

New qualitative research explores patient experiences with high cholesterol and ASCVD events

Collecting real-life high-quality data about the experiences, decisions and perspectives of individuals diagnosed with high LDL-C (low density lipoprotein cholesterol) is the focus of Global Heart Hub’s new multi-national Insights from Patients living with Elevated Cholesterol (IPEC) research initiative.

IPEC is led by Global Heart Hub, with the support of WomenHeart, USA; Lado A Lado Pela Vida, Brazil; hearts4heart, Australia and the cardiovascular patient community. Findings from IPEC have been submitted to key congresses around the world for visibility among decision makers, policy makers and physicians. Supported by the findings from IPEC, the global cardiovascular patient community is positioning itself to take part in future conversations around LDL-C management strategies.

The IPEC data generation program is a pillar of Invisible Nation, Global Heart Hub’s advocacy program created to bring attention to the more than 500 million people worldwide at risk for an ASCVD-related heart attack, stroke or death1. Check out this page regularly and stay connected to Global Heart Hub social channels (@GlobalHeartHub) to receive fresh information and updates from IPEC.

1. Vasan RS, Enserro DM, Xanthakis V, Beiser AS, Seshadri S. Temporal Trends in the Remaining Lifetime Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among Middle-Aged Adults Across 6 Decades: The Framingham Study. Circulation. 2022;145(17):1324-1338.

IPEC at ESC Congress 2024

Global Heart Hub proudly presented an e-poster at ESC’s Congress in London on Global Heart Hub’s patient-led study, Insights from Patients living with Elevated Cholesterol (IPEC). It is a tremendous achievement to have the patient perspective included at such a prestigious international scientific meeting.

The IPEC e-poster focuses on the importance of the first discussion between a patient and their healthcare professional after diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia and how that interaction could help change the course of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (#ASCVD), the leading cause of mortality worldwide.

View our ESC poster now.

View our e-poster at ESC 2024!

IPEC Presented at EAS 2024

Global Heart Hub was delighted to present an e-poster on insights from the Patients living with Elevated Cholesterol (IPEC) study at this year’s European Atherosclerosis Society Congress from 26-29 May in Lyon, France. This research explores patient experiences with high cholesterol and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease events.

EAS endorses the important work of the Global Heart Hub in elevating patient voices on a global stage

“The EAS supports the key and important work done by the Global Heart hub, which is bringing the voice of the patients living with cardiovascular disease and high cholesterol to the world stage. It is wonderful to see that their work is being presented in Scientific Arenas such as the EAS annual Congress 2024 in Lyon and elsewhere.

There are three players, the health system, the physicians and the patients that need to come together to improve cardiovascular disease management. The EAS has long supported patient centered advocacy and look forward to seeing what we can achieve with the Global Heart Hub in 2024 and beyond.”

Professor Kausik Ray, President European Atherosclerosis Society Professor of Public Health and Honorary Consultant Cardiologist
Director of Imperial Centre for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
Deputy Director of the Imperial Clinical Trials Unit, Head of Commercial Trials, Imperial College London, UK

View our e-poster at EAS 2024!

IPEC Presented at ISPOR 2024

Global Heart Hub, with our US Affiliate WomenHeart, were delighted to present a poster, “Understanding the Patient Experience With High Cholesterol in the United States: A Patient-Community-Led Qualitative Study” on May 7 at ISPOR 2024 in Atlanta, GA.

This qualitative, multi-national study explores the experiences of patients with high cholesterol and those who’ve had a cardiovascular event. This is the first phase of our ground-breaking patient-led Insights from Patients Living with Elevated Cholesterol (IPEC) data generation program.

May 8, 2024: “Real-life data highlights need for patient-centered management of unhealthy cholesterol

View our poster presentation at ISPOR 2024!

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